ISFS joined with the Credit Builders Alliance to bring you for CBA members and consumers who want to learn how credit reports work. The website was funded by Experian™.

After learning about credit reports, take the LifeValues Quiz and other LifeValues exercises created by ISFS Founding Director, Dr. Lois A. Vitt. They can be found on the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) Website at this address:


You need answers.
ISFS is there.

  • Is the American Dream within the grasp of ordinary Americans?
  • Can financial literacy education programs be made more effective for the organizations that sponsor them?
  • How can financial and investor educators bring social and cultural context to their programs?

What We Do

We Bridge the Interests of the Financial Services World
and those of Consumers

The Institute for Socio-Financial Studies (ISFS) is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization that conducts feasibility, benchmarking, strategic development, and evaluation studies. ISFS takes a uniquely cross-disciplinary research approach that illuminates the socio-financial factors influencing consumer financial decision-making in today's changing marketplace.

Armed with this information, national and international organizations and professionals can create counseling, education, and planning activities that benefit their companies, clients, and employees. For more information about how ISFS can serve your organization, contact ISFS Director Lois A. Vitt.